The Laboratory of Virology ( at the Istituto Nazionale di Genetica Molecolare – INGM/Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy, informs that a Postdoctoral Fellowship is available in the De Francesco laboratory.

The project
The project is related to the PNRR PE13 project “INF-ACT” - One Health Basic and Translational Research Actions addressing Unmet Needs on Emerging Infectious Disease".

Research activity
The position is for an enthusiastic Postdoctoral researcher who will:
i) investigate the effects of viral infection in tissues such as CNS, heart and liver;
ii) examine the potential for persistent infection and reservoir formation in these tissues;
iii) develop and utilize 2D and 3D tissue models derived from iPS cells (neurons, cardiomyocytes, hepatocytes), employ viruses engineered with fluorescent reporters (e.g., GFP, Venus) to track infection dynamics; characterize the phenotypic changes in infected cells.

Candidates must hold a PhD in Life Sciences (Biology, Biotechnology, Pharmacy, CTF). Research experience in the field of cellular and molecular biology, previous experience with culture and differentiation of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS), experience working with infectious agents in a BSL3 environment and proficiency in optical microscopy techniques, including ability to use software tools for data and image analysis, are desirable.

The Postdoctoral Fellowship will have a duration of 1-year starting from October 2024 and is renewable for additional 1 or 2 years according to availability of funds.

The call will be open until September 2, 2024.

For expressions of interest or if you wish to have more info, please contact Raffaele De Francesco (

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The Laboratory of Microbiology and Virology (LMV) ( at the Department of Life Sciences and Systems Biology of the University of Turin, informs that is available a Postdoctoral Fellowship.

The project
The project is related to the PNRR PE13 project “INF-ACT” - One Health Basic and Translational Research Actions addressing Unmet Needs on Emerging Infectious Disease", and it aims to identify and characterize innovative broad-spectrum antivirals against human respiratory viruses.

Research activity
The position is for an enthusiastic Postdoctoral researcher who will work on the discovery of new small antiviral molecules designed to interfere with cellular and viral molecular targets (target-based drug discovery), the characterization of their broad-spectrum activity, and the definition of their molecular mechanisms of action.

Candidates must hold a PhD in Life Sciences (Biology, Biotechnology). Desirable are previous experiences in cell culture management, qualitative and quantitative analysis of proteins and nucleic acids, data and image analysis.

The Postdoctoral Fellowship will have a duration of 1-year starting from November 2024.

The call will be open from July 30 to September 23, 2024.

For expressions of interest or if you wish to have more info, please contact Giorgio Gribaudo at

Where: we are located in Varese, Italy, as part of the Department of Biotechnology and Life Sciences (DBSV,

Lab position: 1-year fellow in the group of Microbial Biotechnology (, working on the bioprospecting of microbial communities coming from polluted urban environments, with the goal to discover novel metabolites with antibiotic activity. In particular, the project includes the isolation of microorganisms, their cultivation and the high-throughput screening of microbial extracts to detect promising antimicrobial activities, followed by the purification, dereplication, and structural/biological characterization of the corresponding molecules. Additionally, this culture-dependent approach could be integrated with metagenomics analyses to assess the biosynthetic potential of the microbial communities.

Supervisor: Prof. Flavia Marinelli

About the role: we are looking for an enthusiastic young researcher, with a Master degree in Biotechnology, Biology, or related fields. Desirable criteria are previous experiences in isolation and cultivation of microorganisms (e.g., filamentous fungi and actinomycetes) and/or in (meta)genome mining.

Application deadline: the call will open in Summer 2024, with ideal starting date for the contract during Autumn 2024.

If you are interested or if you wish to have more info, please contact us at or

Where: we are located in Varese, Italy, as part of the Department of Biotechnology and Life Sciences (DBSV,

Lab position: 1-year Postdoctoral fellow in the group of Microbial Biotechnology (, studying the production of specialized metabolites with pharmaceutical applications in filamentous actinomycetes. Specifically, the Post-doc will work on the discovery, production, and characterization of novel glycopeptide antibiotics (GPAs), a class of antibacterial molecules used as frontline against multidrug-resistant Gram-positive pathogens. The discovery of novel GPAs will be driven by a genome mining approach, followed by the definition of the best cultivation conditions to switch on its production, its purification and a preliminary chemical and biological profiling.

Supervisor: Dr Francesca Berini

About the role: we are looking for an enthusiastic Postdoctoral researcher, with a PhD in Biotechnology, Biology, or related fields. Desirable criteria are previous experiences in the fermentation and genetic manipulation of filamentous bacteria.

Application deadline: the call will likely open in Summer 2024, with ideal starting date for the contract during Autumn 2024 or thereafter.

If you are interested or if you wish to have more info, please contact me at

Assegno di ricerca (COD. 24A145) presso UNIVERSITA’ DI MILANO-BICOCCA, Dipartimento di Biotecnologia e Bioscienze.

E’ aperta una selezione pubblica per un assegno di ricerca della durata di 12 mesi, dal titolo “COSTRUZIONE DI UN CEPPO BATTERICO IN GRADO DI ACCUMULARE SINGOLI AMINOACIDI A PARTIRE DA LIGNINA E/O CRUSCA DI GRANO”.

L’attività di ricerca prevista supporterà il progetto MEAT-from-WOOD, che intende ottenere produzioni di aminoacidi ad uso alimentare e mangimistico mediante processi sostenibili. Si applicheranno tecniche di genomica, trascrittomica e metabolomica.

Inizio previsto per 1 ottobre 2024.

La procedura di compilazione e invio telematico della domanda dovrà essere completata entro e non oltre le ore 12.00 del 08/07/2024.

Link al bando: Per informazioni contattare Marco Vanoni ( o Luca Brambilla (

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La ricerca prevede lo studio dei meccanismi ecologici alla base delle interazioni ospite-microbiota, con un particolare focus su organismi acquatici.
L'attività di ricerca prevede utilizzo di metodiche di microbiologia classica integrate con genomica, trascrittomica e biologia computazionale.
Il candidato ideale avrà uno spiccato interesse per le tematiche di ecologia ed evoluzione microbica e per gli approcci multi-disciplinari in generale.

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