Summer school on Microbial Specialised Metabolites: Ecology, evolution and applications

Dear colleague
Applications are warmly invited for a summer school on Microbial Specialised Metabolites: Ecology, evolution and applications, the ninth in the series of John Innes – Rudjer Bošković Summer Schools on Applied Molecular Microbiology, to be held in Dubrovnik, Croatia, September 10-17, 2022. Full details, including the availability of grants to attend the summer school, are at
These summer schools are intended primarily for scientists at post-graduate and early post-doctoral level, or early career industrial scientists, but some junior faculty may also qualify. Over the years, these week-long courses have established a reputation for the quality of the faculty and participants (around 45), and a high degree of productive interaction.
The summer schools focus on the continuing interest in microbial metabolites that expanded dramatically with the sequencing of the genomes of small molecule-producing microorganisms, enabled by advances in sequencing technology, bioinformatics and chemical analysis. Ecological developments highlighting the wide range of roles for small molecules in microbial communities are also covered, as is the evolution of biosynthetic gene clusters and pathways.  The course brings together young scientists from around the world with diverse backgrounds, including molecular microbiology, chemistry, microbial ecology and bioinformatics, to share information that can lead to inter-disciplinary approaches to understanding and exploiting microbial metabolite production.  The summer school will include hands-on computational analysis of natural product gene clusters as well as small group discussions on topics chosen by the participants.
If appropriate, please consider applying for the summer school.  Please forward this email to anyone you feel may be interested in applying, via email or social media.  We would be happy to answer any queries.
Thank you,
Mervyn Bibb, Greg Challis, Andy Truman, Duška Vujaklija and Barrie Wilkinson (Co-directors)

Master of Science in Computational Biology in MTU (Part-time, Online)

Are you a graduate from one of the biological sciences or related disciplines, wishing to upskill and gain advanced computational and data analysis skills?

The MSc in Computational Biology at Munster Technological University (MTU) is a part-time, fully online 2-year programme starting September 20th 2021. Graduates from the MSc in Computational Biology will possess high-level knowledge in biological science and computational skills, which can be applied to the analysis, interpretation, and visualisation of large biological datasets.

No background knowledge or experience in Computer Science is required. Students will undertake a series of modules designed to develop these skills from scratch, as well as taking advanced modules in biological sciences that complement the computer science components. There will be advanced biology modules (Synthetic Biology, Omics Technologies, Bioinformatics, Applied Genomics, Enzymes & Therapeutics and Structural Biology) combined with computer science and statistics (Scientific Programming for Biologists, Data Processing & Visualisation, Machine Learning in Biology, Applied Statistics for Biology and Deep Learning).

The programme will be delivered online using MTUs state of the art e-learning platform. This model will allow students to work full-time while studying part-time. The programme is delivered over a minimum of four semesters.

Available Places: 25
Course fee: €3,000 per annum, including an acceptance fee of €500 for those who enrol successfully.
Apply: Applications are only accepted through this application link, up to September 10th 2021.

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Emerging viral threats in a globalized society: molecular, epidemiological, clinical and social aspects of emerging viral diseases

One-week interdisciplinary online course on emerging viral infectious diseases.

This online course includes lectures on SARS-CoV-2, mammalian-borne emerging viruses and arboviruses, coupled with practical sessions on the analysis of genomic and meta-genomic data through state-of-the-art bioinformatic approaches. A session on scientific communication with David Quammen (author of spillover) will conclude the course.

Lecturers include world-wide experts in vaccines development as Andrea Carfi, (Moderna) and Claudia Sala (Fondazione Toscana Life Sciences), clinicians as Fausto Baldanti (University of Pavia), epidemiologists as Giovanni Rezza (General Director of Prevention of the Italian Ministry of Health), vector biologists as Andrea Cristanti (University of Padova) and a representative of World Health Organization, Dr. Gyanendra Gongal, among many others. Check the speakers list at

Course Organizers: University of Pavia
Fausto Baldanti, Giovanni Maga, Davide Sassera

Target group
This school is proposed for PhD students and early-stage researchers in microbiology, epidemiology, bioinformatics and public health policies.
Basic biological knowledge is required.

Course Aim
The course aims at providing an inter-sectorial overview of the rising problem of emerging viral infectious diseases, from genomics to clinical aspects, from social and demographic drivers to control strategies against emerging viral threats. Exercises with real data and a session on scientific communication round up a multidisciplinary program aimed at providing the attendees with multiple sets of theoretical and technical skills.

When/Where: 30 total hours on Sept. 6-10, 2021, Online on Zoom

Language: English

Fee: 100 euros
50% discount for phD students from developing countries

More information at:

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Master di II livello - Teledidattica Applicata alle Scienze della Salute e ICT in Medicina (Tecnologie Innovative in Sanità)

In questo momento critico che stiamo vivendo, la didattica a distanza appare chiaramente come l'unico strumento disponibile per continuare le nostre attività e, mai come adesso, il Master può fornire strumenti per comunicare.

Il Master, completamente rinnovato nei suoi contenuti, è unico nell'offerta didattica nazionale, in quanto frutto della collaborazione di illustri docenti e di numerosi centri di eccellenza dell'area pisana.
Il Master vuole fornire una preparazione altamente specialistica sulle più innovative tecnologie che si stanno affermando in ambito sanitario. Il discente apprenderà come vengono applicate le tecniche avanzate nelle varie discipline biomediche e chirurgiche e i principi pedagogici, etici, legislativi, manageriali, di security ed economici che stanno dietro all'adozione di una nuova tecnologia.
Il Master prevede tirocini presso i più avanzati laboratori di area medica, ingegneristica, informatica e didattica in modo da poter partecipare alla realizzazione ed all'applicazione di modelli e prototipi basati su tecniche 3D e di realtà virtuale. l discente, pertanto, potrà acquisire una formazione up-to-date nel panorama scientifico sulle più innovative tecnologie in medicina, oltre a capacità manageriali per poter realizzare e gestire un progetto tecnologico all'interno di una struttura pubblica o privata.

Per i dipendenti per i quali è necessaria l'acquisizione di ECM, si segnala che la frequenza al Master determina l'esonero dal conseguimento dei crediti (ECM) per l'anno di corso.

Tutte le informazioni sono reperibili:
sul sito dell'Università di Pisa nella sezione MASTER (,
sul sito del Master stesso (

Il Direttore del Master
Emilia Ghelardi

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ONLINE Training Course: Methods of Microorganism Detection in Soil, Water and Food

SIMBA partners are happy to announce the first SIMBA training course that will take place online over four days (9-10th, 16-17th) in October 2020. The online course will focus on Methods of Microorganisms Detection in Soil, Water and Food.

Course overview
How can microorganism and the microbiome be utilised to increase plant resilience and sustainability throughout the food system? During this free online training course, you will learn about the microbiome, and methods to detect and apply microorganism in soil, water and food to support more sustainable agriculture and food production through the implementation of novel biofertilizers (microbial consortia), and more efficient delivery methods (biochar, amendments, nanomaterials). This training course is organised by University of Parma (UNIPR), with lectures taught by experts from the SIMBA project, as well as international guests.

Course content and modules
This course aims to encourage scientists, technologists and practitioners to consider SIMBA project concepts for the development of a more sustainable agriculture and food production through the implementation of novel biofertilizers and more efficient delivery methods. All lectures will be held online and more details will be provided after acceptance to the course.

SIMBA partners from UNIPR, Luke, ENEA, NIOZ, NIVA, Bielefeld University and CCS Aosta will teach on lectures throughout training course.

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