Summer School for Postdocs 2024

Climate Change: Challenges and Influence on Microbial Safety of Water and Food
The FEMS Summer School for Postdocs recognizes 25 of the most talented and promising researchers from across the world. It is designed to support personal and professional development through 9 days of close work with top scientists, and to enable and encourage research collaboration across all fields of microbiology.
We invite you to apply to attend!
The content of the Summer School for 2024 will be focused on the following theme:
Climate Change: Challenges and Influence on Microbial Safety of Water and Food
The Summer School presents a unique opportunity for early career scientists to receive instruction and supervision from prominent academics, collaborate and network with fellow researchers from an international range of countries, and to discuss their own work as well as wider aspects of being a scientist.
''The FEMS Summer School for Postdocs 2023 was an amazing event that I will not forget for the rest of my life. Speakers are super friendly and knowledgeable about their fields. MedILS is surrounded by spectacular landscape that has given us many new ideas for our projects. And the most important are the friendships that I have made during the event." - Hoan Ngo, Student at Summer School for Postdocs 2023
'The Summer School for Postdocs 2023 was very interactive. I got to meet a lot of bright scientists and it's a great pleasure to exchange ideas with great minds. The location and mentors of the workshop are impeccable.'' - Vikram Pareek, Student at Summer School for Postdocs 2023
Quick facts:
• When? 2-10 September 2024
• Where? Accommodation and all facilities are in the Mediterranean Institute for Life Sciences (MedILS) in Split, Croatia
• Who? Selected applicants. Applicants must be currently working in a postdoctoral position, or have completed a postdoc within 5 years (excluding special leave) before the end of the FEMS Summer School.
• What? This Summer School will focus on 'Climate Change: Challenges and Influence on Microbial Safety of Water and Food'.
Please see our playlist of videos from past Summer Schools.
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