Questa sezione contiene un elenco di Special Issues curate da soci SIMGBM.
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Data scadenza invio manoscritto 31 agosto 2025
Nome rivista Microorganisms-MDPI
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Impact factor della rivista 4.1
Guest Editor socio SIMGBM e eventuali Co-editors Annamaria Bevivino, Silvia Tabacchioni, Alessia Fiore
Titolo della Special Issue Plant-Microbe Interactome: The Green Dialogue Within the Plant Holobiont
Breve descrizione della Special issue (max 200 caratteri in inglese) The application of plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) as biofertilizers or biocontrol agents has become an effective alternative to conventional fertilizers for increasing crop productivity at a low cost. The dynamic ecological systems comprising plants and their associated microbiomes, the so-called plant holobionts, harbor untapped potential for revolutionizing agriculture. Plant–microbe interactions depend upon host plant-secreted signals and the reactions of their associated bacteria. However, the molecular mechanisms of how beneficial bacteria respond to their associated plant-derived signals are not fully understood. The complex interactions that exist between the soil microbiome and plants have a significant impact on agricultural sustainability. Factors like soil characteristics, plant species, genetics, developmental stages, and agricultural practices shape soil/root/plant microbial communities. Developing multi-omics technologies—genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, and metabolomics, along with plant pan-genomics and metagenomics, has completely changed our ability to analyze and comprehend the dynamics between plants and microbes. We are pleased to invite you to submit your latest research to a Special Issue titled “Plant-Microbe Interactome: The Green Dialogue Within the Plant Holobiont”, which aims to explore cutting-edge research highlighting the mechanisms governing plant holobiont interactions, offering insights into sustainable agricultural practices and environmentally friendly approaches to optimizing plant–microbe relationships. The Special Issue will focus on plant microbiome interactions and their biotechnological potential to develop novel solutions for ecosystem health and sustainable agriculture. Understanding these complex interactions has great potential to advance sustainable methods and guarantee global food security when facing environmental and climate change.
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Data scadenza invio manoscritto 29 February 2024
Nome rivista Microorganisms (ISSN 2076-2607)
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Impact factor della rivista 4.926
Guest Editor socio SIMGBM e eventuali Co-editors Rachele Isticato ( Dept of Biology, University Federico ii of Naples) and Eleonora Rolli (Dept of Food, Environmental and Nutritional Sciences , University of Milano)
Titolo della Special Issue "Microbes at the Root of Solutions for Anthropocene Challenges"
Breve descrizione della Special issue (max 200 caratteri in inglese) We are living in the Anthropocene, the human-dominated era in which anthropogenic activities are dramatically threatening ecosystem biodiversity and natural resource consumption. This Special Issue aims to host researchers’ contributions to the exploitation of microbial resources to face Anthropocene-driven issues, including improving sustainable agriculture practices, sustaining aquatic and terrestrial ecosystem biodiversity, promoting pollutant clean-up, counteracting antibiotic resistance spread, and coping with climate change’s impact on biogeochemical cycles and soil fertility loss.
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Data scadenza invio manoscritto May 31 2022
Nome rivista Antibiotics
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Impact factor della rivista 4.639
Guest Editor socio SIMGBM e eventuali Co-editors Elena Perrin, Department of Biology, University of Florence
Titolo della Special Issue Microbial Biofilms: From Molecular Mechanisms and Structure to Antimicrobial Therapy
Breve descrizione della Special issue (max 200 caratteri in inglese) The close link between antibiotic efficacy and bacterial metabolism emerged in recent years. Indeed, currently used antibiotics target a narrow spectrum of macromolecular biosynthetic processes, perturbing also bacterial metabolism and contributing to cell death. Furthermore, is more and more evident, that also the metabolic state of bacteria influences their susceptibility to antibiotics. In particular, cells with a reduced metabolism (for example during the stationary phase of growth, or persisters or cells embedded in biofilm), show higher resistance to the action of antibiotics. Consequently, antibiotic efficacy could be enhanced by altering the metabolic state of bacteria.
This Special Issue welcomes submissions from different research replica rolex fields that deepen the relationship relojes replicas between bacterial metabolism and antibiotic efficacy, to find new way to overcome the problem of antibiotic resistance.
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Data scadenza invio manoscritto 31/01/2022
Nome rivista Microorganisms
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Impact factor della rivista IF= 4.152
Guest Editor socio SIMGBM e eventuali Co-editors Paolo Landini, Dipartimento Bioscienze, Università degli Studi di Milano
Jaione Valle, CSIC-GN- Instituto de Agrobiotecnologia (IDAB), Pamplona, Spagna
Titolo della Special Issue Microbial Biofilms: From Molecular Mechanisms and Structure to Antimicrobial Therapy
Breve descrizione della Special issue (max 200 caratteri in inglese) The study of microbial biofilms represents a thriving field in every aspect of microbiology, as biofilms play a pivotal role in medical microbiology, environmental microbiology, and microbial biotechnology alike. The investigation of the basic molecular mechanisms leading to biofilm formation, maintenance, and break-up, in different microorganisms, has led to the discovery of some of the most sophisticated signaling and regulatory pathways known to exist in the microbial world.
In this Special Issue of Microorganisms, we invite scientists with an interest in microbial (i.e., both bacterial and fungal) biofilms to send contributions concerning any aspect related to this field: from the role of mixed biofilms in different ecological niches, including industrial settings and complex microbial communities associated with the human body, to development of novel antimicrobial agents with antibiofilm activity, to investigations on microbial virulence linked to biofilm formation, to the basic regulatory mechanisms presiding over the various steps of the biofilm/planktonic cells cycle, to investigations on the impact of microbial biofilms on human health.
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Data scadenza invio manoscritto 31/12/2021
Nome rivista ANTIBIOTICS
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Impact factor della rivista 3.893
Guest Editor socio SIMGBM e eventuali Co-editors Domenico Schillaci, Laboratory of Microbiology, Department of Biological, Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technologies (STEBICEF), University of Palermo, 90123 Palermo, Italy
Titolo della Special Issue "The Global Need for New Antimicrobial and Antibiofilm Agents"
Breve descrizione della Special issue (max 200 caratteri in inglese) Modern medicine and even the structure of society are established on the ability to control infectious diseases. Antibiotics and vaccines represent the two fundamental pillars on which the ability to manage and fight pathogens is based. However, one of the two pillars falters due to antimicrobial resistance (AMR). Bacterial resistance may develop at cellular level (mutations or horizontal gene transfer) and sessile community, based on adaptive resistance and tolerance involving shift from free-living cells to a biofilm community. It is estimated that, in clinical settings, at least 60% of infections are due to biofilms, which are often the cause of polymicrobial and chronic infections. Moreover, in many cases, antimicrobials used in agriculture and animal breeding are equal to the ones used in clinical settings, increasing the risk of the rise and spread of resistant bacteria, including common pathogens for both animals and humans. Reducing antibiotic usage in farms and replacing it with new molecules could be a short-term approach to facing AMR.

New antimicrobials that are able to hit resistant pathogens and biofilm are strongly needed. It is time for action in order to address antibiotic-resistant strains, especially carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CRE), Acinetobacter baumannii (CRAB) and Pseudomonas aeruginosa (CRPA), which are resistant to last-resort antibiotics.

This Special Issue is aimed at researchers who focus their scientific interest on drug discovery strategies to develop new molecules with antimicrobial action and antibiofilm. Potential topics may include but are not limited to antimicrobial peptides of various organisms, natural substances, nanoparticles of microbial origin, and small synthetic organic molecules. Topics such as strategies aimed at improving the efficiency of conventional antibiotics through nano/micro-release and micro-release systems with functionalized polymers are also welcome.
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Data scadenza invio manoscritto 31 December 2021
Nome rivista Antibiotics
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Impact factor della rivista 3.893
Guest Editor socio SIMGBM e eventuali Co-editors Rosa Alduina PhD, Laboratory of Microbiology, Department of Biological, Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technologies (STEBICEF), University of Palermo, 90128 Palermo, Italy
Dr. Rungroch Sungthong, Laboratory of Hydrology and Geochemistry of Strasbourg (LHyGeS), University of Strasbourg – French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), Strasbourg Cedex 67084, France
Titolo della Special Issue Novel Antibiotics and Novel Modes of Action to Fight Infectious Diseases in Antimicrobial Resistance Era
Breve descrizione della Special issue (max 200 caratteri in inglese) This Special Issue provides a platform for exchanging and updating our new insights into the discovery of novel antibiotics from various yet unexplored and underexplored sources to defeat infectious diseases in the antimicrobial resistance era and the hidden modes of action of currently available bioactive molecules using advanced in silico screening approaches and/or lab-based techniques. All types of articles falling within the scope of the above research areas are welcome.
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