Summer School for Postdocs 2024

Climate Change: Challenges and Influence on Microbial Safety of Water and Food

The FEMS Summer School for Postdocs recognizes 25 of the most talented and promising researchers from across the world. It is designed to support personal and professional development through 9 days of close work with top scientists, and to enable and encourage research collaboration across all fields of microbiology.

We invite you to apply to attend!

The content of the Summer School for 2024 will be focused on the following theme:

Climate Change: Challenges and Influence on Microbial Safety of Water and Food

The Summer School presents a unique opportunity for early career scientists to receive instruction and supervision from prominent academics, collaborate and network with fellow researchers from an international range of countries, and to discuss their own work as well as wider aspects of being a scientist.

''The FEMS Summer School for Postdocs 2023 was an amazing event that I will not forget for the rest of my life. Speakers are super friendly and knowledgeable about their fields. MedILS is surrounded by spectacular landscape that has given us many new ideas for our projects. And the most important are the friendships that I have made during the event." - Hoan Ngo, Student at Summer School for Postdocs 2023


'The Summer School for Postdocs 2023 was very interactive. I got to meet a lot of bright scientists and it's a great pleasure to exchange ideas with great minds. The location and mentors of the workshop are impeccable.'' - Vikram Pareek, Student at Summer School for Postdocs 2023

Quick facts:
• When? 2-10 September 2024
• Where? Accommodation and all facilities are in the Mediterranean Institute for Life Sciences (MedILS) in Split, Croatia
• Who? Selected applicants. Applicants must be currently working in a postdoctoral position, or have completed a postdoc within 5 years (excluding special leave) before the end of the FEMS Summer School.
• What? This Summer School will focus on 'Climate Change: Challenges and Influence on Microbial Safety of Water and Food'.

Please see our playlist of videos from past Summer Schools.


Questions about our events? Contact

Join Our Thriving Microbiology Community

Submit Your Research to the FEMS Journals

The FEMS journals are run by microbiologists, and for microbiologists. Every article published by us has been rigorously reviewed for soundness of science by our community of academic peer reviewers – and any surplus revenue generated by the not-for-profit journals goes directly into supporting the microbiology community.

FEMS Journals

Seasons Greetings

We extend our warmest greetings to everyone as we enter into the festive period. Looking towards 2024, there are some important events on the way:
• From January 2024, all but one of the FEMS Journals will have transitioned to Open Access and all papers in these journal archives will be free-to-read! Publish with our not-for-profit society journals to keep publishing revenues with the scientific community.
• In February, we will announce the 2023 Article Award Winners. Each FEMS journal selects the best paper published the previous year for special attention. Check out the Article Award Winners from last year.
• The 50th Anniversary of FEMS takes place in 2024! The first meeting of the FEMS Council took place in Amsterdam on 22 November 1974. Since 1974 we have worked consistently to support microbiology and our Member Societies. Stay tuned for more next year...

| Why Publish With The FEMS Journals? |

Hilary Lappin-Scott, FEMS President: A Term In Review

As Hilary Lappin-Scott’s term as FEMS President comes to an end, she reflects on all that happened along the way.
Please enjoy our article and joint Microbes and Us podcast episode on her term in review, as we say farewell to her time as FEMS President. She discusses the challenges, learning opportunities, and thrilling moments, as Hilary gives her final message to the community.

| Read Now |

#FEMSmicroBlog: Microbes Discovered In 2023

It is again time to look at some new members of our microbial world! As always, the list has been extensive, making it difficult to choose a few interesting microbes to present. In these #FEMSmicroBlog articles, Sarah Wettstadt and Corrado Nai introduce new bacteria and fungi fake rolex kaufen discovered in 2023.

| #FEMSmicroBlog |

News For Our Community

Monthly Opportunity
Grant & Award Deadlines



- FEMS Research Fellowships
- FEMS Meeting Grants
- FEMS Meeting Attendance Grants
- FEMS National e Regional Congresses Grants

Synthetic information is provided hereafter and more details can be found at the FEMS web site:


If you are a SIMGBM member, please register as a FEMS affiliate; it is free and you will receive FEMS Affiliates letters, FEMS Focus and latest microbiology related updates. Registration is straightforward, just visit:


FEMS Research Fellowships are meant to assist young European scientists in pursuing research up to 3 months in a European country different to that in which the applicant resides.

Applicants should be active microbiologists, less than 36 years of age. They should be a member of a FEMS Member Society, at least one year before applying.

The regulations and application forms are available electronically. Please visit:

A completed application form together with the requested attached documents should be submitted to the FEMS Delegate. Approved applications should arrive at FEMS Central Office before the deadlines of 01 December and 15 June every year. Support is limited to a maximum of € 4 000.

The European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ESCMID) will select one fellow per year for an additional grant of € 1 000, the FEMS-ESCMID Fellow. Reciprocally, FEMS will provide such additional grant to one fellow, the ESCMID-FEMS Fellow. These joint fellowships will receive appropriate publicity through both organisations.


FEMS Meeting Grants are intended to support selected International meetings within the European Area with a Meeting Grant. Scientific conferences, laboratory workshops and training courses will be considered for such support. The maximum amount of a Meeting Grant is € 15 000. The Meeting Grant may only be used to support the attendance of:

•Young Scientists (minimum of 60% and a maximum of 80% of total grant value) and
•Invited Speakers (minimum of 20% and a maximum of 40% of total grant value)

On special request by the organisers and upon approval by the Grants Secretary, the total grant amount can be used to support young scientists only.

Organisers of events seeking support from FEMS should first inform themselves of the regulations governing FEMS Meeting Grants. Please visit:

FEMS Central Office should receive the completed application form on or before 1 March of the year preceding that in which the meeting takes place.


FEMS provides Meeting Attendance Grants are directed to young European scientists wishing to attend microbiology meetings (preferably in Europe) that are not supported by a FEMS Meetings Grant. The maximum amount of a Meeting Attendance Grant is € 600, the minimum € 250.

Young scientists wishing to apply for a Meetings Attendance Grant should first inform themselves of the regulations governing FEMS Meeting Attendance Grants. Please visit:

Complete applications should be received at FEMS Central Office on or before:

•01 April, for attendance at meetings beginning between 1 May and 30 September
•01 September, for attendance at meetings beginning between 1 October and 30 April


FEMS National E Regional Congresses Grants are intended to support National or Regional Microbiological Congresses. The annual budget for these grants is € 30 000. The start-up grant can be used by organisers in any respect that supports successful organisation of the meetings.

For updated informations, please visit the FEMS site:

Grants range from € 1 000 - € 3 000 depending on the numbers of society members and expected participants at the congress: € 1 000 - 50 to 200 participants; € 2 000 - 200 to 500 participants; € 3 000 - 500 participants or more.

Organisers of congresses should first be informed of the regulations governing the FEMS National / Regional Congresses Start-Up Grants. Please visit:

The FEMS Central Office should receive the completed application form on or before 15 December (for congresses between 01 January and 30 June) or 01 June (for congresses between 01 July and 30 December).