Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Laboratory of Microbiology and Virology (LMV)

The Laboratory of Microbiology and Virology (LMV) ( at the Department of Life Sciences and Systems Biology of the University of Turin, informs that is available a Postdoctoral Fellowship.

The project
The project is related to the PNRR PE13 project “INF-ACT” - One Health Basic and Translational Research Actions addressing Unmet Needs on Emerging Infectious Disease", and it aims to identify and characterize innovative broad-spectrum antivirals against human respiratory viruses.

Research activity
The position is for an enthusiastic Postdoctoral researcher who will work on the discovery of new small antiviral molecules designed to interfere with cellular and viral molecular targets (target-based drug discovery), the characterization of their broad-spectrum activity, and the definition of their molecular mechanisms of action.

Candidates must hold a PhD in Life Sciences (Biology, Biotechnology). Desirable are previous experiences in cell culture management, qualitative and quantitative analysis of proteins and nucleic acids, data and image analysis.

The Postdoctoral Fellowship will have a duration of 1-year starting from November 2024.

The call will be open from July 30 to September 23, 2024.

For expressions of interest or if you wish to have more info, please contact Giorgio Gribaudo at