Dr. Irene Stefanini (University of Turin) is recruiting 1 Postdoctoral Research Associate to participate in the Human Science Frontier Program project "The aphrodisiac gut: defining the factors promoting yeast mating within insect intestines" involving the Dept. of Life Science and Systems Biology - University of Turin (Turin - Italy), The University of Sydney (Prof. Elizabeth New, Australia), the University of Balearic Islands (Dr. Marco Polin, Spain), and the University of Boston (Prof. Daniel Segrè, USA).

The selected candidate will be based at the Dept. of Life Science and Systems Biology in Turin (Italy) and will report directly to Dr. Irene Stefanini.

We are searching for a young researcher with Ph.D. in microbiology or insect sciences, preferentially with skills in the analysis of microbe-host interactions. Proven wet-lab experience is a mandatory requirement. Willingness to travel and work on multidisciplinary projects is also encouraged.

Here is some more information about the project: https://lmvunito.wixsite.com/website/single-project-1
We offer a 1-year contract, renewable for up to two years. The work will start at the latest on March 2023, but preliminary (online) interviews should be held ASAP.
If you are interested, please send a short CV to irene.stefanini@unito.it

Feel free to contact me for more details.
Irene Stefanini

RTD-A PRESSO UNIVERSITA’ DI MILANO, Biotechnology and Environmental Microbiology Lab (BEaMLab), Department of Food, Environmental and Nutritional Sciences (DeFENS)

Ricerchiamo giovani PhD appassionati/e alla ricerca in microbiologia agro-ambientale. Sarà aperta a breve una selezione pubblica per una posizione triennale RTD-A AGR/16 presso l’Università di Milano nell’ambito del progetto PNRR Agritech. Il tema di ricerca sarà plant-microbiome interaction in particolare orientato alla formulazione e caratterizzazione di biomateriali funzionalizzati con batteri promotori della crescita delle piante per applicazioni in agricoltura sostenibile.

Per informazioni contattare Sara Borin, sara.borin@unimi.it

Il bando verrà pubblicato al seguente link: https://www.unimi.it/it/ateneo/lavora-con-noi/reclutamento-ricercatori/selezioni-ricercatori

A graduate fellow position (Assegno di Ricerca) is available at the Department of Biology of the University of Padova for the project entitled: “Investigating the role of the integral membrane protein LysX2 in Mycobacterium tuberculosis virulence”.
Starting no later than December 1st, 2022.
Duration: 18 months.

State of the Art and Research Program
We have recently identified a new gene of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) encoding an integral membrane protein with a putative aminoacyl-phosphatidylglycerol (aaPG) synthase domain which we named LysX2 (Boldrin F. et al. BMC Microbiology 2022, 22(1):85; doi: 10.1186/s12866-022-02493-2). AaPG synthases are widely represented among prokaryotes since several bacterial species use them to produce aminoacyl esters of phosphatidylglycerol (aaPGs) which confer resistance to low pH and antimicrobial cationic peptides (CAMPs) by increasing the net positive charge of the bacterial surface.

Il Laboratorio di Fisica Ambientale al Dipartimento di Fisica di UNIGE, insieme alla sezione genovese dell'Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN), gestisce l'unica camera di simulazione atmosferica italiana (ChAMBRe, https://labfisa.ge.infn.it/index.php/chambre). Nell'ambito di programmi di ricerca europei e di progetti PNRR, il laboratorio sta conducendo una ricerca sulle possibili correlazioni tra qualità dell'aria e persistenza e diffusione aerea dei microrganismi, proprio utilizzando ChAMBre. Il gruppo di ricerca è multidisciplinare e lo si vuole completare con competenze di tipo biologico (in particolare microbiologico). Il lavoro di ricerca prevede diverse collaborazioni internazionali.

Al momento è aperto il bando per un assegno di ricerca annuale di II fascia (stipendio netto ca 1800 euro/mese), con presa di servizio al 1/10/2022 (bando e modulistica al sito: https://concorsi.unige.it/home/procedure/3391;jsessionid=A43ECD568EA8D6EB2CF54D237B379BB9), scadenza delle domande 29/7/22, requisito di accesso Laurea Magistrale in biologia o chimica.

Per maggiori informazioni e/o dettagli contattare il responsabile del Laboratorio, Prof. Paolo Prati (prati@ge.infn.it; tel: 0103536439).


Human Technopole (HT) is a new interdisciplinary life science research institute, created and supported by the Italian government, with the aim of developing innovative strategies to improve human health. HT is composed of five centres: Computational Biology, Structural Biology, Genomics, Neurogenomics, and Health Data Science.
The Centres work together to enable interdisciplinary research and to create an open, collaborative environment that will help promote life science research both nationally and internationally.
The Pinheiro Lab in the Computational Biology Research Centre at Human Technopole, led by Dr. Fernanda Pinheiro, integrates theoretical and experimental research to develop a predictive framework for evolutionary processes under ecological complexity grounded on models of cell metabolism. We are a hybrid theoretical and experimental lab with a strong interest in understanding antibiotic resistance evolution in complex ecologies including microbial communities where many bacteria interact. We combine systems biology approaches, evolutionary modeling, computational methods, data analysis, and data from evolution experiments, establishing a strong dialog between theory and experiments: We use theory to identify interesting regimes that can optimize experimental designs and biology to motivate new theoretical methods.

We are constantly looking for talented and passionate people to join our team, so even if you don’t see specific positions here, don’t be afraid to drop us an email! We can always discuss the possibility of writing a fellowship together to get to join us! Visiting positions are always possible, especially if funded though one of the many program that can support your visit here, like the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions and the Erasmus+ program (https://erasmus-plus.ec.europa.eu/).
Below you’ll find information about current searches at the PhD, Postdoctoral level or with any time of qualification!